Web3 Call/Chat App future Dapp
Tired of losing phone numbers and emails?
Tired of data breaches every few months and losing data?
Sakai app (PFA) is the perfect solution for all of these problems. All you have to do is connect your Metamask and now make unlimited Video calls or chat with your buddies. If you choose all of your data is removed 10 minutes after you log out. (or do it manually to delete instantly. Data is removed from the servers forever)
To help share a shorter version of your wallet with your friends. We will be adding ETH domain names to our app. We will also provide our customized names for your wallets to use in our App for a small fee. The NFT holder will get this feature for free.
How do we as a community make money from it?
Anyone using our app will have their Eth wallet address as their default name, which they can use to add or call others. We will provide custom names for their accounts like (ENS) to make them easy to use.
For this, we will charge a very small fee of 1 $ per month. The more users we have More revenue.
Last updated